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What is the most economical way to use central heating?

3 Answers

Answered by CH4 Installations Ltd

5th March 2021

CH4 Installations Ltd answered the question "What is the most economical way to use central heating?"

Thermostats in your home improve heating control and efficiency. Using a heating controller with thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) and a room thermostat allows you to set the temperature in each room separately. Each TRV shuts off its radiator from the heating when the air around the valve reaches the desired temperature. Generally people prefer sleeping areas to be about 2 degrees C cooler than living areas so by using TRVs can improve comfort levels. Once each room is at the desired temperature and all the TRVs have shut off their radiators then a room thermostat, placed near one radiator without a TRV, can switch the entire boiler system off. This saves money as well as keeping the temperature at the right level. Also TRVs in rooms used only occasionally such as a spare room for guests, can be set at a low level so the room is not heated unnecessarily. For further guidance you can contact us, or your local heating engineer.

Answered by Tom Sutton Heating

23rd July 2019

Tom Sutton Heating answered the question "What is the most economical way to use central heating?"

Generally speaking it is best to keep your home reasonably warm all the time. Heating your home from cold will cause the your boiler to run for longer therefore reducing efficiency. Modern controls can be used to set specific temperatures at specific times. For example you can set the temperature for 20C whilst you are at home and then set the temperature for 16C whilst you are out. This will stop the house temperature falling whilst you are out. To manage this even better you can use a control with open therm and geolocation. Geolocation will automatically switch your heating off when you out (to your lower set point) and bring your heating on when you are on your way back! This will keep your home at the optimum temperature all the time.

Answered by Nick Keeble and Son

4th June 2019

Nick Keeble and Son answered the question "What is the most economical way to use central heating?"

This all depends on the insulation properties of your home. The hardest (most expensive) part of heating a house is heating it from cold, therefore if you home is well insulated then you can have the heating on a couple of times a day and the house won't lose much heat in between. If your home is less well insulated then you are better off getting it warm, and then keeping the heat on low constantly, maybe increasing the heat when you want it. Think about riding a bike- it takes lots of effort to get it going, but once it is going it is fairly easy to speed up. If you let the bike stop, you have to use lots of energy to start again- it's more energy efficient to keep the wheels turning slowly. This is where programmable room thermostats can save you lots of money. You can have them set between 19-21 when you want the heating on, then set back to 16-17 when you don't necessarily want the heating on, but the house won't get too cold, then back to 19-21 in the evening.

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