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Why is my sink not draining?

14 Answers

Answered by Pro Heating & Plumbing Ltd & Pro-Drain Ltd

29th October 2020

Pro Heating & Plumbing Ltd & Pro-Drain Ltd answered the question "Why is my sink not draining?"

If your sink is not draining the first step we would recommend is to remove the trap or u bend to see if it is clear or obstructed with food waste or congealed cooking oils fats and grease. If after emptying or finding the trap or u bend to be clear and the sink is still not draining the there is a blockage within the waste pipe and the most efficient way of resolving this is to call in a drainage contractor who will use electro mechanical equipment to clean the pipe run cutting through the blockage and removing any attached deposits from the inner walls during the process.


21st April 2020

TSC PLUMBING SERVICES answered the question "Why is my sink not draining?"

Most blockages in a sink are caused by a build of either food waste or hair (depending which sink it is). This is best kept clear by minimising what goes down it and a decent plunger nearby to keep it free. A couple of pumps with your plunger should clear the issue if you catch it early enough. A stubborn blockage will need the help of a professional to clear should it be left too long - a slow running sink over time can turn into a tricky issue to resolve.

Answered by Plumblife

7th October 2019

Plumblife answered the question "Why is my sink not draining?"

Your sink may not be draining due to a blockage in the trap or waste pipework. The waste pipework may be running up hill/poorly installed causing frequent blockages. You may have a blocked gully externally. Blockages are usually because of fats and scraps of food building up in the pipework.

Answered by Plumbsolve Glasgow Ltd

23rd September 2019

Plumbsolve Glasgow Ltd answered the question "Why is my sink not draining?"

Your sink may not be draining for a number of reasons, the configuration, gradient/run and pipe diameter may not be allowing sufficient flow of water through the drainage, a competent plumber should be able to identify this and advise you of the best steps forward. Secondly you may have a blockage somewhere within the sink waste, this can be caused by food build up and also solidified grease/fat from pans after cooking, over time the fat will narrow the the walls of the pipe and cause a blockage, where possible you should always try to dispose of cooking waste in a container/jar, let it solidify, then dispose of it in the bin. If you are unsure about anything a qualified plumber should be able to help.


15th August 2019

N R PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICES answered the question "Why is my sink not draining?"

Most causes of blockages in pipework are grime, debri. Kitchen sink waste pipework can get food and fats in the waste pipe that over time can lead to blockages. Shower cubicle and bath waste can get a build up over the years of dirt, shampoo that lines the insides of the pipe. A chemical cleaner can be added and flush through with warm water and the use of a plunger

Answered by Gas On Sea

29th May 2019

Gas On Sea answered the question "Why is my sink not draining?"

Sink not draining could relate to undersized or incorrect gradient on pipework, blocked drainage pipework or a blockage within the trap or u-bend below the sink. Providing its a local blockage a plunger may shift the blockage, however if the pipework is incorrect BoilerOne recommend you consult a verified plumber to advise you on options available.

Answered by Three counties damp and groundworks

16th March 2019

Three counties damp and groundworks answered the question "Why is my sink not draining?"

There is obviously numerous reasons for this. The most common cause would be a build up of food debris/hair/grease/gunge in the trap below the sink. The first thing to try would be to fill the sink and try a plunger on the plug hole. You could also try removing the trap and clearing the blockage manually. Failing that, it is time to call in the professionals, get a plumber on the phone.

Answered by Thoroughbuild UK Services Ltd

12th March 2019

Thoroughbuild UK Services Ltd answered the question "Why is my sink not draining?"

Your sink is most likely blocked because of a blockage in the waste pipe or trap. A plunger may help but if this does not manage to dislodge any blockages then it would be best to call in a professional who can then assess on the next best step and inspect any pipework if necessary. Prevention is always better than cure, so ensuring no food/hair/oils/fats are allowed to go down the plughole will make sure you have pipework that allows water to flow freely.

Answered by Heather Contracts Limited

12th March 2019

Heather Contracts Limited answered the question "Why is my sink not draining?"

Kitchen sinks are easily blocked up for various reasons, the main cause, is customer behaviour. Its not uncommon for fats, oils, paint & food debris to be washed away down the kitchen sink. These substances line the pipework reducing the inside diameter, causing blockages. If you prevent debris & oils etc going down your sink, it could be to the age of the plumbing. Sometimes, properties can have cast iron or galvanised soil stacks, copper waster pipe etc, these pipes have aged and furred up. Reducing the diameter to nothing. Finally, it could be completely unrelated and you pipework exits to a gully outside. If this gully is blocked, then the sink won't drain correctly. Knowing your plumbing is key & integrating renewal into any future planned works (ie new kitchen), will hopefully prevent this happen. Prevention is Better Than Cure!

Answered by Fortune And Co Plumbing and Heating Ltd

1st March 2019

Fortune And Co Plumbing and Heating Ltd answered the question "Why is my sink not draining?"

If the water in your sink is not draining then the problem may be that you have a blockage in the waste pipe or you may have a macerator that is seized therefor it can not pump the water to where it is meant to go. Do not use chemical like one shot as there is a chance that you can cause more damage to your waste pipes as the chemical can eat throw your waste pipes causing a bit leak. The best thing you can do is call out a plumber to help you out with the blockage.

Answered by Cliff Plumbing & Heating Limited

22nd February 2019

Cliff Plumbing & Heating Limited answered the question "Why is my sink not draining?"

More than likely this will be caused by a blockage in the waste pipework. You can take a few simple steps to check this... first place a bowl/bucket under the sink & remove the sink trap ( u bend ) underneath the sink to check for blockages and clean the trap out, if this is ok you may be able to check the outside drain/gully for blockages. Furthermore it may be a blockage in the pipework that may need rodding to clear.... or call in an expert if your stuck at this point!

Answered by A Royal Flush Plumbing

12th February 2019

A Royal Flush Plumbing answered the question "Why is my sink not draining?"

The most common cause of a sink not draining is a blockage in the trap directly underneath. plunging can clear most blockages in a sink trap but sometimes this is not always the case. If a plunger doesn't clear it then I would recommend calling a plumber to come and fix this for you. Though normally it is just a blocked trap it could be further into the pipe work. releasing the trap will then allow the the water to flow into your bathroom or kitchen and not into the bucket you would have placed under the trap. A plumber will be able to inspect and through experience know if the trap can safely be removed or if a better course of action is needed as well have the the tools/equipment for the job.

Answered by PipeDream Plumbing

11th February 2019

PipeDream Plumbing answered the question "Why is my sink not draining?"

If your sink is not draining, first of all check the waste trap underneath, stick a bucket under it before you take it apart. Clean out the trap and inspect the pipework, you can use a drain auger to check the pipes for any blockages. It's worth checking external drains for leaves as this is a common issue for drain blockages

Answered by D.A Gas, Heating & Plumbing

4th February 2019

D.A Gas, Heating & Plumbing answered the question "Why is my sink not draining?"

If your sink is not draining its most likely to be blockage in the trap (u bend) or the pipework going away. Firstly check outside any gully's or drains are clear, if so you can buy a simple sink plunger from your local plumbers merchants or DIY store and have a go at unblocking it yourself, it really can be quite simple. Hold a wet cloth over the overflow and plunge the sink until the blockage s cleared.

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