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How does an electric boiler work?

4 Answers

Answered by Ewelectrics

23rd May 2020

Ewelectrics answered the question "How does an electric boiler work?"

It’s essentially a large kettle. A length of coated and very durable conductor (similar to MI cable) is immersed into the water of the tank; when energised it creates an ambient heating of the water in the cylinder (water tank). The inner conductor is turned on and off by thermostat which can be controlled differently to make it most efficient for the installation. The hot water created by this is piped out to the house. A water cylinder has an input (cold) and an output (hot) attached. The hot may be found coming out of the very top of the cylinder.

Answered by Bennetts Safe Gas

12th January 2020

Bennetts Safe Gas answered the question "How does an electric boiler work?"

An electric boiler heats the water in the system just in the same way as a kettle. It heats up its body of water then pumps it round the system. They come in a few sizes (heat outputs). If you require a bigger heat out put than they sell you can connect up as many is required. However your electric supply will need to be suitable. All this should be checked by a qualified engineer before hand.

Answered by Gas On Sea

24th May 2019

Gas On Sea answered the question "How does an electric boiler work?"

An electric boiler uses solely electricity rather than gas to heat the system water. In the same way a kettle heats water, electric boilers use elements to heat the system water which is then pumped through the boiler to serve heating zones. The electric boiler element output should be sized correctly for the heating system we recommend you consult a heating engineer.

Answered by PipeDream Plumbing

13th February 2019

PipeDream Plumbing answered the question "How does an electric boiler work?"

An electric boiler works in the same way as traditional boilers. Instead of a gas burner the electric boilers use heating elements, as the water flows through the coil it heats up and is pumped to the outlets. Electric boilers have some advantages over gas boilers for example they take up less space, there easier to service and maintain as they have less moving parts. The drawbacks however are they might not be powerfull enough to supply the demand for larger properties

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