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Why are my pipes making a noise when no water is running?

4 Answers

Answered by Heather Contracts Limited

15th August 2020

Heather Contracts Limited answered the question "Why are my pipes making a noise when no water is running?"

A constant hissing can indicate an underground burst. If you have checked the most common items that use water such as the WC isn't overflowing (which can be sometimes a constant trickle at the back of the pan, or an overflow pipe dripping outside.) No taps are dripping, shower not passing, external tap turned off etc. Then maybe it could be an underground burst, the noise would be similar to the noise your WC makes when filling. This noise will be constant and possibly get louder during the night. A simple test is to place a screwdriver on the tap top (nearest to the stop tap) and listen to the handle. If the noise sounds like rushing water, you will need to contact a competent plumber

Answered by Plumblife

7th October 2019

Plumblife answered the question "Why are my pipes making a noise when no water is running?"

There are a few causes for pipework is making a noise when the water is running, here’s a few... -There could be a faulty tap cartridge (is there a tap dripping anywhere?) - faulty shower valve - the float valve could be faulty in the toilet or cold water storage cistern - poorly installed pipework, not supported properly - plastic pipework could be tight against a joist and when hot water passes through the pipework it causes the pipework to expand and causes a noise, sometimes people think the noise is dripping water.

Answered by N.E.S Plumbing Solutions

24th April 2019

N.E.S Plumbing Solutions answered the question "Why are my pipes making a noise when no water is running?"

Noise from pipework could be a number of issues in your household, a common problem we come across are worn washers in a toilet fill/float valve causing a constant drip and can also lead to a horn like sound and water hammer when another tap is opened in the property. Another issue could be from poorly installed/supported pipework and expansion on pipes when they are heating up and coming into contact with each other.

Answered by A Royal Flush Plumbing

12th February 2019

A Royal Flush Plumbing answered the question "Why are my pipes making a noise when no water is running?"

This could be caused by pressure build up in the hot water cylinder and it having no where to go. A solution to this is to fit a thermal expansion tank between the shut of valve and the hot water cylinder and a sometimes a PRV. This will give the pressure somewhere to go and eliminating the noise

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