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What is the minimum required ceiling height for a loft conversion?

1 Answer

Answered by Castle Heights Building & Maintenance

28th February 2021

Castle Heights Building & Maintenance answered the question "What is the minimum required ceiling height for a loft conversion?"

Working with numerous planning officers from lots of councils nationwide, I have found no exact consistency in a minimum height internally. A very good height to achieve as a minimum finished height is above 2mtrs the higher the better. In the planning/design stage you must also consider that not only are you insulating and dry lining the ceiling, you have to account for the increase in floor height, by having to increase the thickness of ceiling joists or the addition of steels if required, so you could measure from existing ceiling joist to ridge board and have 2.4mtrs but put in a couple of steels, new larger floor joists, flooring boards and then final floor covering and above insulating and dry lining the ceiling and actually end up at only realistically achieving a finished height of 1.9mtrs

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