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What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?

64 Answers

Answered by Gas On Sea

25th May 2019

Gas On Sea answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A condensing boiler is a new A rated efficiency boiler which includes a secondary heat exchanger to capture latent heat from the flue gasses. The captured heat is recycled back into the heating system and thus using less gas to reach heat required. Condensing boilers require a plastic pipe to drain in a suitable location due to its acidic content

Answered by Franklin Plumbing & Heating

16th May 2019

Franklin Plumbing & Heating answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A condensing boiler is more efficient than a standard efficiency boiler because more heat is transferred to the system water rather than being lost to atmosphere up the flue. It has a large heat exchanger or sometimes a second heat exchanger to extract more heat from the flue gases which reduces the flue gas temperature to below the dew point and this causes the water vapour in the flue gases to condense, hence the name. This condensate is then piped away to a drain or soakaway. The condensate is mildly acidic so only plastic pope can be used and it will corrode metals, brickwork and concrete if not discharged properly. Condensate pipes are also prone to freezing in water if they are not installed correctly and this can result in leaks in the property and damage to the boiler.

Answered by BPH - Blakemore Plumbing And Heating

16th May 2019

BPH - Blakemore Plumbing And Heating answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A standard gas-fired boiler works by burning natural gas in order to heat up your water. When you burn natural gas, the chemical reaction that takes places produces water vapour and carbon dioxide as by-products. These warm waste gases will travel through a flue and escape into the outside atmosphere, taking some valuable heat with them. Conventional boilers vary in efficiency from around 70-80%, depending on their and the type of boiler. This means that 20-30% of the energy they use is lost in the form of warm gas. Condensing boilers are able to recover some of the heat that would usually be lost from the waste gases they give off. The waste gases travel through a heat exchanger, which cools and condenses them back into a liquid known as condensate. By doing this, it can recover some of the heat that would have otherwise been lost. The recovered heat is used to slightly warm up the cool water that returns from your radiators as it enters the boiler. A good condensing boiler can achieve energy efficiency of over 90%. That is why it is important to commission the boiler correctly so that your return water temperature is 57° or below, this is the dew point and is when air will become saturated with water vapour which in turn starts to condense to form liquid water (dew).

Answered by Andrew Sexton Heating Maintenance and Repair

14th May 2019

Andrew Sexton Heating Maintenance and Repair answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers have two internal heat exchangers which means that the heat from flue gases lost to the atmosphere is decreased by recycling the heat back into the heating system. The water vapor in the flue gases can be so cool that it condenses and is removed to a waste pipe through a condensate pipe.

Answered by heat on tap

9th May 2019

heat on tap answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are a 90% or greater efficient form of heating radiators or domestic water. They recycle latent heat from the flue which would have otherwise been wasted . They come in combi form or heat only boilers. They can be more efficient with the help of weather compensation or IFOS with Baxi boilers

Answered by HeatDoc Plumbing & Heating Ltd

9th May 2019

HeatDoc Plumbing & Heating Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency (typically greater than 90% on the higher heating value) by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain. In many countries, the use of condensing boilers is compulsory or encouraged with financial incentives.

Answered by Wakefield Boiler Services

8th May 2019

Wakefield Boiler Services answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers , they are a modern appliance burning a fuel like oil or gas . They are a safe , efficient product that doesn’t require as much fuel to burn compared to older appliances . In basic terms it captures heat that has been burned , then cools with the return of heating pipe work to create the perfect environment “dew point” which creates the condense liquid

Answered by DA Bunning Gas Ltd

8th May 2019

DA Bunning Gas Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A condensing boiler is a water heater fuelled by either gas or oil which achieves greater efficiency by condensing the water vapour contained within the flue gases and thus recovering its latent heat, which would otherwise have been released into the atmosphere and wasted. Since 2005 all new fitted boilers are required to be condensing boilers.

Answered by SPC Plumbing and Heating Ltd

8th May 2019

SPC Plumbing and Heating Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

a condensing Boiler is a high efficiency water heater which heated by gas and oil, they are more efficient then standard boilers because they uses the latent heat of vaperisation which is otherwise wasted and use it, the condensate leaves the boiler in liquid form from the boiler to a drain or soakaway.

Answered by Stephen Mallen Plumbing & Heating Services

7th May 2019

Stephen Mallen Plumbing & Heating Services answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

condensing boilers are a rated efficiency boilers which use the latent heat which would usually be lost through the flue in the older traditional boilers giving it over 90% efficiency. cutting down on fuel bills . the condensate water ( slightly acidic ) is then discharged from heat exchanger down into trap then out via waste pipe.

Answered by S Hopkinson Gas Heating & Plumbing

6th May 2019

S Hopkinson Gas Heating & Plumbing answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

All boilers fitted nowadays are condensing boilers whether they are combi, system or regular boilers. They are usually 90% efficient therefore more cost effective than the old conventional boilers. They produce condensate that is vapour produced in the flue and discharged back through the boiler to meet the efficiency requirements. This condensate should discharge into the normal household drainage. The non preferred method is a soak away. Routing of the flue system should have good positioning due to the plumage caused by the combustion process

Answered by S Banks Plumbing Heating & Eco Energies Ltd

4th May 2019

S Banks Plumbing Heating & Eco Energies Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency (typically greater than 90% on the higher heating value) by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain In a conventional boiler, fuel is burned and the hot gases produced pass through a heat exchanger where much of their heat is transferred to water, thus raising the water's temperature. One of the hot gases produced in the combustion process is water vapour (steam), which arises from burning the hydrogen content of the fuel. A condensing boiler extracts additional heat from the waste gases by condensing this water vapour to liquid water, thus recovering its latent heat of vaporization. A typical increase of efficiency can be as much as 10-12%.[citation needed][1] While the effectiveness of the condensing process varies depending on the temperature of the water returning to the boiler, it is always at least as efficient as a non-condensing boiler. The condensate produced is slightly acidic (3-5 pH), so suitable materials must be used in areas where liquid is present. Aluminium alloys and stainless steel are most commonly used at high temperatures. In low temperature areas, plastics are most cost effective (e.g., uPVC and polypropylene).[2] The production of condensate also requires the installation of a heat exchanger condensate drainage system. In a typical installation, this is the only difference between a condensing and non-condensing boiler.

Answered by RB Boiler Care Ltd

4th May 2019

RB Boiler Care Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A condensing boiler is to generate more heat from waste gases which would be lost with a non-condensing boiler. These waste gases are produced as the boiler operates and then emitted out into the atmosphere, so the heat they carry is normally lost. Condensing boilers heat exchangers are designed specifically to capture and reuse this heat so they can reach high efficiencies of over 90%. The byproduct of this Efficiency is Condensate which is removed via a trap within the appliance to an internal waste pipe preferably but can also be put into a soakaway within industty criteria.

Answered by D.L Plumbing & Heating

2nd May 2019

D.L Plumbing & Heating answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain.

Answered by DT GAS Heating & Plumbing

2nd May 2019

DT GAS Heating & Plumbing answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A high-efficiency condensing boiler is a good choice if you're looking for a greener and more efficient boiler. This is because condensing boilers are able to make better use of the heat they generate from burning fuels, such as gas or oil. With a non-condensing heat-only boiler, some heat is wasted in the form of hot gases released from the flue. A condensing boiler captures some of the heat from these gases and uses it to heat water returning from your central heating system. It therefore requires less heat from the burner and is more efficient. All new modern boilers are condensing boilers. So if you are thinking of replacing an old boiler with a new one, you will be buying a new condensing boiler and gaining all of the efficiency savings that come with it.

Answered by MLD HEATING

27th April 2019

MLD HEATING answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A condensing boiler is a term used for a modern boiler due to how we recover the energy created by burning gas, all boilers require to be between 90% - 95% efficient, to gain this efficiency boilers recover latent heat that would have been lost through the flue in this process condensation forms, modern boilers now require a form of removing this condensation to a waste or drain the most common ways are usually the nearest soil or waste pipe, via condense pump or a soak away.

Answered by PT Heating and Plumbing

26th April 2019

PT Heating and Plumbing answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fuelled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency (typically greater than 90% on the higher heating value) by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. Condensing boilers are pretty much standard these days for all domestic applications – any boiler you install now, be it combi, heat only or system will be condensing if fuelled by gas or oil.

Answered by MB Gas & Heating Ltd

24th April 2019

MB Gas & Heating Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Water vapour or condensate is a product of complete combustion , typically meaning that the better the boiler is burning the more water vapour (Condense) the boiler will produce . Condensing boilers are usually rated A or A+ which are greater than 90% efficient .The condensate produced is acidic which is why it is neccassary to be discharged in to a drain.

Answered by RS Heating Engineering Ltd

24th April 2019

RS Heating Engineering Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers do exactly what it says on the tin. By condensing the water vapour which is a product of complete combustion in the exhaust gases and recovering its energy in the form of latent heat vaporisation. In other words condensing boilers save energy by way of being +90% efficient reusing wasted heat energy. By keeping the heating return temp as low as possible will keep the boiler working at its most efficient.

Answered by Saffron Heating

22nd April 2019

Saffron Heating answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

In order to understand what a condensing boiler does, you need to first take a look at non-traditional boilers. Standard boilers burn gas or oil to heat up water. This reaction leaves water vapour and CO2 as by-products. In non-condensing boilers, these excess gases are normally released through the flue pipe. These gases have heat energy that is lost to the atmosphere, meaning you get less heat! In contrast, condenser boilers pass the waste gases to either a larger or additional heat exchanger, extracting even more heat. The excess gases cool and condense into a liquid called condensate (hence the name of condenser boiler!). Since April 1, 2005, all new boilers installed in the UK must be a condensing boiler. Building regulations state that condensing boilers are mandatory, whether you are installing a boiler into your existing system or constructing a newly-built property.

Answered by HPE Services

19th April 2019

HPE Services answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A condensing boiler is a boiler that is designed to increase its efficiency by recovering the latent heat in the flue gases produced during the combustion process. The latent heat is used to preheat the water in the central heating system thereby lowering the overall energy required to heat the system. Condensing boilers have very high efficiency levels typically in the 90% range.

Answered by Parallel plumbing and heating

17th April 2019

Parallel plumbing and heating answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency (typically greater than 90% on the higher heating value) by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain.

Answered by Tom Sutton Heating

16th April 2019

Tom Sutton Heating answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A condensing boiler recovers the the latent heat lost from the combustion process by condensing water vapour in the flue system and re using to pre heat the water that runs through the heat exchanger. Typically a high efficiency condensing boiler can increase efficiency levels by 10-12% compared to a standard efficiency boiler.

Answered by T Brown Heating Solutions Ltd

15th April 2019

T Brown Heating Solutions Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A Condensing Boiler is a high efficiency appliance where the flue gas temperatures are used to preheat the heating medium returning to boiler. As a result the temperature of the flue gases are reduced to typically less than 100 degrees and start condensating which is the plume you usually see from a flue on cooler days. This process recovers what once was wasted heat and now results in a much more efficient appliance saving you money.

Answered by Globe Gas & Plumbing

14th April 2019

Globe Gas & Plumbing answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain.

Answered by WaterTherm Heating Solutions Ltd

13th April 2019

WaterTherm Heating Solutions Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency (typically greater than 90% on the higher heating value) by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain. In many countries, the use of condensing boilers is compulsory or encouraged with financial incentives.

Answered by Martin Fox Plumbing and Heating Services

13th April 2019

Martin Fox Plumbing and Heating Services answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency (typically greater than 90% on the higher heating value) by condensingwater vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain. In many countries, the use of condensing boilers is compulsory or encouraged with financial incentives.

Answered by Rekan Kingji

12th April 2019

Rekan Kingji answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain

Answered by Northern heating and solar Ltd

12th April 2019

Northern heating and solar Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain.

Answered by Leo Vann Heating

12th April 2019

Leo Vann Heating answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A condensing boiler is high efficiency boiler powered by lpg or natural gas. They achieve high efficiency by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering latent heat of vaporisation, which other wise would have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form via a drain. This need carefully consideration about routing, so as not to freeze in the colder months.

Answered by Eco BlueSka Services

12th April 2019

Eco BlueSka Services answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas . They achieve high efficiency by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain.

Answered by BJC Plumbing & Heating

11th April 2019

BJC Plumbing & Heating answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

a condensing boiler is a modern boiler which has a seperate heat exchanger which absorbs the energy from the flue gases which would otherwise be wasted, making it a more efficient boiler. the condensation is collected in a trap and exits via a waste pipe connected to a waste or drain

Answered by i-Fix Gas & Heating

8th April 2019

i-Fix Gas & Heating answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain called a condensate pipe. All new boilers must meet a minimum efficiency.

Answered by Banner Property Maintenance

3rd April 2019

Banner Property Maintenance answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain.

Answered by Enflame Heating and Plumbing

1st April 2019

Enflame Heating and Plumbing answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

As with traditional heating systems, a condensing boiler burns natural gas to heat the water throughout your home, producing a combination of carbon dioxide and water vapour. Unlike traditional systems, it features a larger heat exchanger, or in some cases a secondary heat exchanger, which recycles the waste gases back into the heating system. By doing this, the system maintains an energy efficiency of around 90%, far higher than the 70-80% produced by non-condensing boilers. From the off, the advantages of a condensing boiler are evident, offering cost-effective, 24-hour heating for your entire home.

Answered by S & L Plumbers

29th March 2019

S & L Plumbers answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain.

Answered by 3T Gas maintenance Ltd

29th March 2019

3T Gas maintenance Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A condensing boiler is the most modern boiler with a more efficient heat exchanger which allows you to recirculate flue gases and extract the heat and energy from them , which would otherwise be lost , condensing boiler also produce lots of water vapour which will be discharged via a waste pipe to a drain

Answered by James whitehead plumbing and heating

26th March 2019

James whitehead plumbing and heating answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain.

Answered by GJC Plumbing & Heating Ltd

25th March 2019

GJC Plumbing & Heating Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A high-efficiency condensing boiler is a good choice if you're looking for a greener and more efficient boiler. This is because condensing boilers are able to make better use of the heat they generate from burning fuels, such as gas or oil. A condensing boiler requires less heat from the burner, so is more efficient. How does a condensing boiler work? With a non-condensing heat-only boiler, some heat is wasted in the form of hot gases released from the flue. A condensing boiler captures some of the heat from these gases and uses it to heat water returning from your central heating system. It therefore requires less heat from the burner and is more efficient.

Answered by R JJ Fairfax Heating and Plumbing

25th March 2019

R JJ Fairfax Heating and Plumbing answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing Boilers are A rated and are more efficient than the standard conventional domestic boiler They are more efficient because they recover some of the heat that would usually be lost from the waste gases they give off. The waste gases travel through a heat exchanger, which cools and condenses them back into a liquid known as condensate.

Answered by Walkwood Plumbing & Heating

23rd March 2019

Walkwood Plumbing & Heating answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

There are around eight million Condensing Boilers installed in Britain’s homes. In theory this type of boiler will operate at around 93% efficiency compared to the 75% efficiency of older type of boilers. This reduces both the carbon CO2 emissions and reduces the average annual fuel bill on average by about £200. From 1st April 2005, John Prescott made it mandatory that all new and replacement gas fired boilers fitted in British homes (around 1.4 million a year) must be of the condensing type. In 2008 the boiler scrappage scheme was introduced offering a grant of £400 towards the cost of a new condensing boiler. Every year around 1.2 million older boilers are replaced with the newer “fuel efficient” condensing boilers.

Answered by Castle Heating Kent Ltd

23rd March 2019

Castle Heating Kent Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain, waste pipe.

Answered by Eco home energy ltd

19th March 2019

Eco home energy ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers made or fitted after 2004 had to be made and fitted to strict energy efficiency laws. Over 90% energy efficient as exhaust gasses create vapour which is then ran into the drain via the condense trap. These boilers can save money on your energy bills as they will use less gas than non condensing boilers.

Answered by T G Property Services

16th March 2019

T G Property Services answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A condensing boiler recovers heat by condensing the vapour from the exhaust gases/fumes and uses the heat of the condensate to gain a considerable extra amount of heat that would otherwise be lost to the atmosphere. The condensate is drained from the boiler to a drain or a specific soak-away. In addition to this further heat gain the condensate created holds a great deal of the nasties that would otherwise be pumped into the local atmosphere.

Answered by Precision Plumbing & Heating

1st March 2019

Precision Plumbing & Heating answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

The purpose of a condensing boiler is to generate more heat from waste gases which would be lost with a non-condensing boiler. These waste gases are produced as the boiler operates and then emitted out into the atmosphere, so the heat they carry is normally lost. However, a condensing boiler has 2 internal heat exchangers which capture and reuse this heat so they can reach high efficiencies of over 90%. Condensing boilers are around 15-30% more energy efficient than non-condensing boilers

Answered by Dace Gas Services

28th February 2019

Dace Gas Services answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A condensing boiler uses modern technology to maximise the efficient use of the fuel (usually gas or oil) - typically a condensing boiler will be up to 90% efficient, whereas old boilers can be as low as 70%. The design of the boiler extracts more heat from the burner by using a highly efficient heat-exchanger and by feeding the cooler water returned from the radiators through a secondary heat exchanger in the hot flue gases so that the water is warmed before entering the boiler. Condensing boiler are known as such the temperature of the flue gases is lower and the moisture in it 'condenses', this water drains away through the bottom of the boiler –this 'drain' is normally through a pipe to the outside of the building, this pipe is one significant difference to an 'old' boiler installation.

Answered by T.Franks Gas & Plumbing

28th February 2019

T.Franks Gas & Plumbing answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain

Answered by S3 Heating and Plumbing

28th February 2019

S3 Heating and Plumbing answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers have a higher efficiency compared to non condensing. The law was changed in 2005 that all new installations must be a condensing boiler. A condensing boiler works by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovers its latent heat of vaporisation which would have just been wasted by going out of the flue. The condensed vapour leaves the system in a liquid form via a drainage pipe. This is why condensing boilers have that white pipe coming out of it compared to a non-condensing boiler, and this pipe usually goes to a drain inside or outside of the house.

Answered by Beales Services

27th February 2019

Beales Services answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heating appliances run on either gas or oil, designed with the aim of efficiently converting water vapour condensation into heat for your home. Condensing boilers have all the same elements as non-condensing boilers but the difference is they have a larger heat exchanger so can produce more heat from the fuel they burn. Since 1st April 2005 it has been a legal requirement under building regulations that all gas boilers installed in England and Wales must be condensing boilers. There are two main benefits to gain from installing a condensing boiler: lower energy bills and a reduced carbon footprint.

Answered by County Gas Services

25th February 2019

County Gas Services answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Boiler that is efficient when being used over older non condensing boilers They work but lowering the flue temperatures and keeping the heat usable for the user Condensation is produced when the flue temperature is lowered and this is where the boiler gets its name from condensing boiler

Answered by PMA Gas Solutions

15th February 2019

PMA Gas Solutions answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A condensing boiler is a boiler that reclaims wasted heat that would normally be expelled through the flue. Some have secondary heat exchangers to do this or has a secondary heat exchanger built into the primary heat exchanger. As the water in the flue gasses cools down, it drops onto the heat exchanger and flashes to steam causing extra heat to go into the heating/hot water system. The waste water then drains away from the boiler through the condensate pipe.

Answered by Home Heating UK

12th February 2019

Home Heating UK answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

All boilers made and fitted after 2004 had to be more energy efficient So all boilers where made to condense, by doing this boiler could achieve over 90% effiencey level A good boiler will save you money on your heating bills as you will need less gas to get the same heat output as a older non condensing boiler

Answered by Ace Gas Redditch

11th February 2019

Ace Gas Redditch answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers heat water by burning gas, lpg, oil or other forms of fuel . They achieve high efficiency usually above 90% by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour is then discharged via the condense trap to a nearby drain.

Answered by Hanbury Plumbing and Heating

10th February 2019

Hanbury Plumbing and Heating answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

An A rated boiler which simple uses the product of combustion (stuff that comes out of the flue) to preheat the return pipe before it goes through the heat exchanger. This cools the POC down to due point causing water to form in the boiler, this runs out through the condensing pipe, this pipe is often ran outside and in the winter can freeze. All new boilers have to now be condensing boilers.

Answered by Ambient design and heating

10th February 2019

Ambient design and heating answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A condescending boiler is describing that the boiler uses the heat from the flue gasses produced when burning gas by directing the hot flue gasses past the cold water used for the hot taps to use the lost heat energy to heat the water making it more efficient which in turn saves the user on their gas bills

Answered by Lakins Heating and Plumbing

10th February 2019

Lakins Heating and Plumbing answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers heat water and are fuelled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases, with a none condensing boiler this would have been wasted and released to air, a condensing boiler makes use of this waste. The condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain

Answered by Boilers 4 Britain ltd

9th February 2019

Boilers 4 Britain ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers have two internal heat exchangers which means that the heat from flue gases lost to the atmosphere is decreased by recycling the heat back into the heating system. The water vapor in the flue gases can be so cool that it condenses and is removed to a waste pipe through a condensate pipe.

Answered by Plum-UK Ltd

9th February 2019

Plum-UK Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

With a non-condensing heat-only boiler, some heat is wasted in the form of hot gases released from the flue. A condensing boiler captures some of the heat from these gases and uses it to heat water returning from your central heating system. It therefore requires less heat from the burner and is more efficient. Read more: https://www.which.co.uk/reviews/boilers/article/buying-a-new-boiler/what-is-a-condensing-boiler - Which?

Answered by Smart Gas Plumbing & Heating Ltd

9th February 2019

Smart Gas Plumbing & Heating Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

To try and simplify it a condensing boiler uses water vapour (steam) that is produced by the burning process, It uses the heat in the waste gases that is usually lost through the flue and re-uses the heat in the water vapour and transforms it to liquid form which is then discharged into the drain via the condensate pipe by doing this process it can give added efficiency typically 10%-12%.

Answered by Ph plumbing & heating services Limited

9th February 2019

Ph plumbing & heating services Limited answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A condensing boiler is a boiler that burns the gas in a more controlled way allowing more off the heat produced to end up in the heating or hot water system . Condensing boilers normally produce a 90% efficacy or a rated performance . Older types of boiler can be as low as 65% . This is a massive difference in the cost of heating your home

Answered by iGas Heating Ltd

9th February 2019

iGas Heating Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A condensing Boiler is a boiler that utilities previously wasted heat from Boiler Flue Gases created in the Boiler Combustion process . Converting your Boiler from a conventional non-condensing Boiler to a condensing model will reduce your energy wastage and carbon footprint and subsequently reduce your energy bills saving you money every year

Answered by Cliff Plumbing & Heating Limited

9th February 2019

Cliff Plumbing & Heating Limited answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A condensing boiler is a high efficiency boiler that re-uses previous lost heat in the flue. This causes condensation in the flue that runs back through the boiler, out from a white pipe underneath boiler into a drain. This causes plume from the flue which is very normal, especially in cold weather conditions. They reduce energy bills and carbon footprint.

Answered by Vital Plumbers Ltd

8th February 2019

Vital Plumbers Ltd answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

Condensing boilers are water heaters fueled by gas or oil. They achieve high efficiency by condensing water vapour in the exhaust gases and so recovering its latent heat of vaporisation, which would otherwise have been wasted. This condensed vapour leaves the system in liquid form, via a drain

Answered by Fawkes Heating

8th February 2019

Fawkes Heating answered the question "What is a condensing boiler & how do condensing boilers work?"

A modern energy efficient boiler. It is called a condensing boiler because it produces condensation as a byproduct of the combustion process. It is more efficient and condenses because it extracts more heat from burning the gas, than an older non-condensing boiler. You can tell if your boiler is condensing by having a quick look under it, if you have a white plastic pipe or corrugated plastic pipe then it's condensing.

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