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What are the most common household bugs / pests found in the UK?

3 Answers

Answered by Rodect Pest Control

22nd February 2022

Rodect Pest Control answered the question "What are the most common household bugs / pests found in the UK?"

There are a varied amount of insects and rodent pests in the UK a lot of which are seasonal like wasps in the summer but many are all year round like fleas and bedbugs but by far the most common pests all year are rats and mice. If you have any pest issues call Ian at Rodect Pest Control for a fast and friendly service.

Answered by Keye Pest Control

28th October 2020

Keye Pest Control answered the question "What are the most common household bugs / pests found in the UK?"

There is a large list of bugs/pests in the UK. Rodents are all year round but fluctuate in the winter months, Bed bugs, Fleas, Ants and Cockroaches like the warmer months as do Flies, Moths and Wasps Keye Pest Control offer a service for all of theses pests www.keyepestcontrol.co.uk

Answered by Pegasus Pest Solutions

19th August 2019

Pegasus Pest Solutions answered the question "What are the most common household bugs / pests found in the UK?"

Household Pests are mainly seasonal, during winter we see more Rodents (Rats and Mice) in properties, both Commercial and Private. Rodents are an issue all year round but we see more in the Winter. Squirrels mate twice a year, Spring and Autumn; they generally move into a convenient loft for this activity and are very quiet and well behaved until the young ones start to find their feet. June to October is very much Wasp Season, this is our busiest period and when we have to be able to react quickly, nobody likes to be stung and in certain cases a sting can be fatal !

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