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How often should windows be cleaned?

3 Answers

Answered by The Window Cleaners 2 Services

1st April 2020

The Window Cleaners 2 Services answered the question "How often should windows be cleaned?"

All depends on where you live. If you live near or by a busy main road, I would recommend that you get them cleaned every 4 weeks. If you live in the countryside, which is less busy from moving traffic, which would stir up dirt, I would have them cleaned every 8 weeks by a regular, professional window cleaner.

Answered by Supawipe

10th June 2019

Supawipe answered the question "How often should windows be cleaned?"

There are no hard and fast rules for cleaning windows but the surface of glass that is left without being cleaned for many months or years can deteriorate. Especially in areas where certain rain deposits, or dust contain corrosive chemicals that can "pit" the surface of glass. Extremes of temperatures also can degrade glass. In domestic or commercial situations it is normally recommended to have glass clean every month or bimonthly. Internal windows may need doing less often or on every other visit from the window cleaner. Cleaning at least every 3 months will preserve a reasonable standard in rural areas.

Answered by Turners property maintenance

13th March 2019

Turners property maintenance answered the question "How often should windows be cleaned?"

All depends on where you live if your in a built up high traffic area the windows will need to be cleaned more due to the dirt and dust that will come from the traffic. Standard estate house would be 4 to 6 weeks and I tend to have insides done every other time as you get a film build up on the inside windows of dust and dirt from the air.

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