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How much does it cost to move a kitchen sink?

5 Answers


23rd September 2019

MJW INTERIORS answered the question "How much does it cost to move a kitchen sink?"

Asking how much it costs to love a sink is like asking how much is a car ! It depends what kind of sink you want, how far it’s moving, is it staying in the same kitchen or going in a new kitchen, replacing the work tops etc. There’s no answer to a question such as this, you can spend what you like.

Answered by Lee Key Plumbers

22nd June 2019

Lee Key Plumbers answered the question "How much does it cost to move a kitchen sink?"

As others have stated, it all depends on what needs doing. How far you are moving the sink, is the sink unit being moved too or does it require a new worktop and sink unit. It would be best to get a free quote to get an accurate indication of the cost. It does help when the plumber comes to look if you have a good ideas what you require doing and where it is being moved to. I would suggest that you don’t accept any prices without the plumber coming to look first.

Answered by Prenton Plumbing Service Ltd

18th June 2019

Prenton Plumbing Service Ltd answered the question "How much does it cost to move a kitchen sink?"

The cost of relocating the position of a kitchen sink can vary as there are so many variants . Never except a quotation form a tradesman who has not survived the required works . It is impossible to ascertain what work is required form a description no mater how detailed the description may be .

Answered by Martindale Windows and Developments Ltd

27th March 2019

Martindale Windows and Developments Ltd answered the question "How much does it cost to move a kitchen sink?"

Depends a lot on type of work surface involved and also how far away its moving from its previous position obviously I’d say between £300-£2000 total job the lower being a butt jointed laminated worktop with think moving a meter away And the dearest a solid stone surface moving 4 or 5 meters away

Answered by DJM Property Services

2nd March 2019

DJM Property Services answered the question "How much does it cost to move a kitchen sink?"

Completely depends on how far, where the current services run from and too. If any appliances are connect to the sink. Washing machine etc. Obviously to move a sink to a different part of the kitchen you would need new worktops as well. Can very easily be done but would need a full inspection before works were carried out

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