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How much does it cost to hang a door?

3 Answers

Answered by L T Franklin property services

27th March 2019

L T Franklin property services answered the question "How much does it cost to hang a door?"

You can expect to pay around £80 labour for a single door hung and hardware installed. For multiple doors around a property you can expect to pay less per door if the frames are in decent condition. There may be extra charges for molded doors that need to be relipped to fit into an old frame. A cost of £20 a door is an average for doors that require trimming after a new floor had been laid

Answered by L Kennedy Property

28th February 2019

L Kennedy Property answered the question "How much does it cost to hang a door?"

An average price for myself would be £50 per door ( this may vary due to door type/material ) this based on customer supplying the door and all hardware.Cost for myself supplying will vary greatly based on the door chosen and distance traveled/time taken.However I do not give a fixed price on the door frame as it is very difficult to gauge how much time / work this will take and so charge my standard hourly rate .

Answered by A4 Building Services

13th February 2019

A4 Building Services answered the question "How much does it cost to hang a door?"

To hang only assuming the customer has supplied the doors and furniture labour prices can range from £40-£70 per door (northwest) a lot of the cost can depend on door type obviously an oak door is going to be more labour intensive than a hollow moulded door some people do offer discounts for multiple doors in the same property

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