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How much do air source heat pumps cost to install?

2 Answers

Answered by J & S Plumbing & Heating

3rd July 2024

J & S Plumbing & Heating answered the question "How much do air source heat pumps cost to install?"

To get an accurate price, I would recommend getting a heat loss calculation done. This will determine exactly which radiators need upgrading and which ones can stay. It will also determine what pipework needs upgrading and the size of the heat pump required. With advanced heat loss calculations, you can even get a cost per hour for running the heat pump

Answered by Home Heating UK

23rd March 2019

Home Heating UK answered the question "How much do air source heat pumps cost to install?"

There is no right answer to this question as it would be site specific But if you had a external oil boiler with 28mm flow and return pipework sand oversized radiators you could get a air source heat pump supplied and fitted from £4800 A site survey would need to be carried out and all factors would need to be taken into consideration

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