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How long should bathroom sealant last and how often should it be replaced?

3 Answers

Answered by MOSEB

15th August 2019

MOSEB answered the question "How long should bathroom sealant last and how often should it be replaced?"

The chemical properties of the silicon which ever brand it is limiting the life span of the silicon . In the dry environment will probably last very long as some of other already stated in years 5,10,15 ? When we talk about bathrooms , shower rooms the life span will be till the chemical properties of silicon will vapour. 1-2 years . Additionally there are factors like the technique used to apply, preparation of the surface , any damp issues, ventilation issues, the place where is apply , constant use , water quality etc.

Answered by Minty Property Developments

3rd August 2019

Minty Property Developments answered the question "How long should bathroom sealant last and how often should it be replaced?"

All silicone is different. As a company we always choose Dow for white or clear and Bal to match in with tiles and grout. Using a good quality silicone will give the product a better finish and will also have increased life expectancy. I would recommend replacing the bathroom silicone between 7-12 years. This would also depend on appearance and daily usage. Silicone may still be water tight, but have black mould spores beginning to show. This will be a factor as to when silicone would want to be replaced.

Answered by Flintshire Property Services Ltd

15th July 2019

Flintshire Property Services Ltd answered the question "How long should bathroom sealant last and how often should it be replaced?"

All silicone sealants last different time according to were they are been used. Some manufacturers say up to 20 years but to be honest I have never found any lasting that long and if they are that old there not in the best condition. I would say on average a sealant in a shower area would last a lot less than one that in a non wet environment. Like I say they are all different depending on there usage. If it looks tatty and mouldy then replace it at whatever age

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