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How do thermal stores work?

2 Answers

Answered by Richard Berriman Heating & Plumbing

3rd May 2019

Richard Berriman Heating & Plumbing answered the question "How do thermal stores work?"

A thermal store is basically a tank full of hot water with a heat exchanger immersed in it similar to a calorifier. Mains pressure cold water is passed throught the heat exchanger (usually a long length of finned tube with many twists and turns) which is surrounded by the hot water. By the time the water has passed through the heat exchanger it has become hot water for taps and shower etc. and at mains presssure. The hot water held in the tank is also available to be pumped around the radiator or underfloor heating circuits for space heating.

Answered by Chalmers Gas & Heating LTD

26th February 2019

Chalmers Gas & Heating LTD answered the question "How do thermal stores work?"

Hi i’m Martin from Chalmers Gas & Heating. I’m happy to answer your question. A thermal store is different from how a normal cylinder works. There are 2 typical set ups. The 1st is full of water heated by an external heat source, usually a gas boiler inside this is a high efficiency coil acting like a heat exchanger, the coil has mains water passing through it drawing it’s heat from the heated water surrounding it. Giving you high pressure hot water. Fantastic for having great showers ect. The 2nd type is exactly the same principle but has a lot more components like pumps, sensors, flow switches, wiring centers ect and uses an external plate heat exchanger to heat the water. Although these are great when they work they have a lot more to go wrong due to the extra components required. Thermal stores also work well with solar and usually have an additional coil for solar systems also.

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