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How do rats get inside the cavity walls?

3 Answers

Answered by Keye Pest Control

29th October 2020

Keye Pest Control answered the question "How do rats get inside the cavity walls?"

Rats in the cavity wall means they have found a gap or hole to enter from either the outside of your house or worse case from underneath. When underneath it could be a uncapped drain that was built over or damage to pipe work. If they have entered from a hole on the exterior of your property it can be dealt with quite easily. However depending on the type of property the problem can be more serious, a detached house would be easier to deal with than say a terraced or semi detached property as the problem might be coming from a neighbour. www.keyepestcontrol.co.uk

Answered by Pegasus Pest Solutions

29th July 2019

Pegasus Pest Solutions answered the question "How do rats get inside the cavity walls?"

If you have Rats in your walls they must have found a hole from; underneath the building, In the loft Or inside the wall of a semi detached or terrace property. The majority have come up through the drainage system, either through a break in the drains or a redundant pipe which has not been capped correctly. Some will find an existing hole, from an unused outlet that hasn’t been closed correctly. Others will dig in from the garden - these are the easiest to spot.

Answered by Rodect Pest Control

30th April 2019

Rodect Pest Control answered the question "How do rats get inside the cavity walls?"

If rats get into a cavity wall this normally means there is a hole or gap somewhere or it could mean there is a problem under the house with a drain either a break or bad building work where an old drain has been built over and it hasn’t been capped off properly which then allows rats to leave the sewage system then they will explore and tunnel around under the house until they find a gap which then affords them access to the cavity walls.

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