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Does new electrical equipment need to be PAT tested?

3 Answers

Answered by National Safety Inspections

15th November 2021

National Safety Inspections answered the question "Does new electrical equipment need to be PAT tested?"

If you have bought your equipment from a reliable retailer, then it doesn't need PAT Testing straight away. The equipment SHOULD have been provided to you in safe working condition, but you can't always be certain. If you are uncertain, just make sure to do a quick visual examination before you use it to check there no major issues. It's possible that it could have been damaged in transit or whilst it was being delivered, therefore, you should ALWAYS of a quick check. Things to check include: is the cable split, damage or twisted? Does the packaging look authentic? Does the plug easily fit into the socket? Can you hear, see or smell anything that is not normal when you plug it in? If they answer is yes, turn it off and unplug it straight away! One rule to live by is: if you're not 100% that the equipment is safe to use, then don't use it! If the appliance is purchased from a retailer, then you are entitled to a refund, repair or replacement under the Consumer Rights Act. If all is okay, then you can get it added to your inventory ready for your next round of PAT Testing.

Answered by Keynston Services

6th March 2020

Keynston Services answered the question "Does new electrical equipment need to be PAT tested?"

New equipment, new out of the box, will have its manufacturer's warranty and cover. It may be necessary to register the item to ensure that it is covered for repairs or a claim within the minimum or extended period. If equipment is used in a 'public environment or in rented property or in circumstances wheee it eeceives heavy use (a shop, office or consteuction site) then it should be added to your PAT register and tested according to the test intervals recommended in the IET Guide.

Answered by Hodgson Electrical

27th September 2019

Hodgson Electrical answered the question "Does new electrical equipment need to be PAT tested?"

A new item will have been tested by the manufacturer and should not need a test for the first year, However some insurance companies or heath and safety officers may request that all items are tested regardless of age. If in Doubt get the item tested and get a sticker on the item

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