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Do I need to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house?

15 Answers

Answered by Electric11

26th December 2020

Electric11 answered the question "Do I need to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house?"

No but its a really good idea to do it. you can buy a car without an MOT and hope it won't fall apart after you've bought it but most people buy cars with long MOT certificates. Be carful though and chose a company that carries out the EICR correctly or its not worth the money. An EICR on a 3 bed house should take at least 4hrs on site, so expect to pay £200+ for that to be done properly. if someone charges you £100 and is in the house 30mins the report is useless.

Answered by Protec Gas Services

31st July 2020

Protec Gas Services answered the question "Do I need to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house?"

No - But why wouldn’t you? Your home is probably the largest purchase you will ever make, it makes sense so you don’t end up with unforeseen costs. Plus there are the safety issues the previous owner might be a bit of a diy person and who knows what they have been up to, so it pays to check.

Answered by N J T Electrical

12th May 2020

N J T Electrical answered the question "Do I need to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house?"

It is always recommended that an electrical installation and condition report is carried out. This not only ensures your safety it could also save you a lot of money and disruption in the future. The wiring could look safe from just looking however a full and thorough test could unearth some potentially dangerous faults. The cost of rewiring if required is likely to be in the thousands and is also one of the most disruptive jobs to carry out when living in the property. Its not only the rewiring to take into account its the making good after plastering decorating etc.

Answered by MRBE Ltd T/A MRB Electrical

2nd May 2020

MRBE Ltd T/A MRB Electrical answered the question "Do I need to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house?"

It is recommended to carry out an electrical safety check either before buying a house or before selling one. It is not a legal requirement for private owners to do this, but mortgage and insurance companies are becoming more aware of the importance of using electrical safety checks at a change of occupancy. An EICR (Electrical Installation Condition Report) will provide you with the information required to make informed decisions regarding any potential work required on the property. It can be used to aid negotiations on price too, so any works identified could be accounted for in the offer put on the property, potentially saving you thousands

Answered by Lindum Fire Services ltd

1st April 2020

Lindum Fire Services ltd answered the question "Do I need to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house?"

There is no law forcing you to test the electrical system, however it could be a massive expense if you move in and find our it needs re-wiring. I have found a lot of buyers now putting a electrical inspection in part of the terms and conditions of buying the property. If you are selling your house, it may give your buyer a little more confidence to buy, knowing the electrics do not need any major works.

Answered by Keynston Services

6th March 2020

Keynston Services answered the question "Do I need to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house?"

No you do not, but compare the money measured in hundreds of thousands you are investing in the purchase with a few hundred pounds on having the electrical installation checked. It is too late after you have bought and moved in to discover blowing fuses, DIY bodged extensions, missing earthing and broken accessories (switches, sockets etc). Knowing in advance that the installation is sound provides peace of mind and will inform you about possibly adding sockets or lights. If your inspection report highlights expensive i3sues, dangerous wiring, or serious shortfalls in the installation then you are informed enough to either cost repairs (and challenge the seller over the price) or walk away before you buy a nightmare house. If you are buying to rent (in England) the new legislation coming into law this summer will require an electrical inspection certificate before you can even adveryise a property to rent and on change of occupancy (The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020)

Answered by Nd electrical

2nd March 2020

Nd electrical answered the question "Do I need to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house?"

There is no law that's says you have to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house, but you can't go wrong with having an eicr done first. I've tested many properties where the owner has had everything plastered, decorated and new kitchen fitted and then I find a fault somewhere or even worse the property needs a rewire. So having a safety check first can save you a lot of money and headaches down the line.

Answered by Electrical & Safety Compliance Solutions Ltd

29th February 2020

Electrical & Safety Compliance Solutions Ltd answered the question "Do I need to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house?"

There is no statutory requirement to have a current Electrical Installation Condition Report for your home or when moving home, however best practice guidance recommends between every 5-10 years or change of occupancy. When purchasing a property it is not always possible to identify alterations or additions to the property or the electrical installation. An EICR is a report to determine whether the installation appears to be in a safe condition for continued use. Whether this home is to be your place of residence or a second home for rental it should be reassuring that you, your family, visitors or prospective tenants are not being exposed to underlying dangerous conditions that have the potential to cause harm by electric shock or fire.

Answered by RCP Installations Ltd

27th February 2020

RCP Installations Ltd answered the question "Do I need to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house?"

I could not recommend this highly enough. It is costly & stressful enough purchasing a property without finding out too late that it may need a full or partial rewire. A large domestic property we inspected had such a poor electrical installation that it required around £2000 of remedial works & upgrades. Fortunately the buyer had the EICR pre-purchase and managed to get the purchase price reduced by the said amount.

Answered by Orman Electrics

18th May 2019

Orman Electrics answered the question "Do I need to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house?"

Although it isn’t mandatory to have a condition report done before buying a house or selling your house it is a recommendation. I would strongly recommend having this done before committing to a purchase so any faults are found before and you will then be able to budget for any additional work that may be required. Most houses built pre 1966 have no CPC Earthing) on the lighting circuits. If any metal switches or light fittings had been fitted that aren’t double installed you are at high risk of electric shock. Definitely something worth knowing before you buy the property

Answered by Stator Electrical Solutions Limited

24th March 2019

Stator Electrical Solutions Limited answered the question "Do I need to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house?"

Whilst there is currently no requirement to have an EICR on a property you are looking to purchase, it should be part of your due diligence to gather as much expert guidance on the overall condition of the property. We’ve seen many times how a property has been made to look perfect - but that was found to be superficial. New switches, sockets and a modern consumer unit had been fitted, but the 50+ year old wiring was still in place. Clearly those customers wished they’d had the electrics checked before buying. Not only does the electrical installation condition report give peace of mind, it also highlights any areas for potential improvements once you’ve made the purchase. Overall, it’s a highly recommended check and should be part of your process whenever buying a new property.

Answered by M.E.T Electrical Ltd

22nd March 2019

M.E.T Electrical Ltd answered the question "Do I need to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house?"

There is no legal requirement to have an EICR undertaken before buying a house. We would strongly advise to do so though. A house is a large investment, and just like the survey and other checks, it is to ensure that the installation is safe and that there are no faults. If the report details any issues, these can then be incorporated into any forecasting for works and negotiating on the end price of the property.

Answered by P&J Electrical Services Ltd

27th February 2019

P&J Electrical Services Ltd answered the question "Do I need to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house?"

There is no requirement to but in all honesty you’d be silly not to. When making such a huge investment such as a house why scrimp on getting the electrics tested, a couple of hundred quid or so is a small amount in the grand scheme of things when compared to the consequences and potential financial loss associated with a badly installed electrical system or an electrical installation at the end of its working life.

Answered by Oak Tree Electrical

24th February 2019

Oak Tree Electrical answered the question "Do I need to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house?"

You don't need to have an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EIRC) carried out before buying a house just as you do not need to have the house surveyed unless you are borrowing money and the lender insists on it. I guess it depends on your attitude to risk. Just as some people go for the house buyers survey, which is often little more than a valuation, prehaps because the house is almost new and others go for a full structural survey because its and older property or they have specific concerns you pays your money and takes your choice. If the installation is obviously very old its probably worth it.

Answered by East Kent Electrical Ltd

10th February 2019

East Kent Electrical Ltd answered the question "Do I need to undertake an electrical safety check before buying a house?"

In Short, No but you would be unwise not to get one done as it would tell you the state of the wiring so you would know whether it is safe to move in or if work is required if work is required you would know what is involved and have a cost. you will be in a much better position to make the decision on the house. How would you feel if you didn't get it carried out and then wanted an extra socket fitted to find out then you need a full rewire? The guidance is an inspection should be carried out at least every 5yrs for rented properties and every 10 yrs for owner-occupied properties OR when tenants/owners change.

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