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Can furniture be placed on top of underfloor heating?

6 Answers

Answered by Benjamin Vavoulas

8th March 2021

Benjamin Vavoulas answered the question "Can furniture be placed on top of underfloor heating?"

Of coarse, but its not advisable to fit under kitchen units as can cause cupboard contents to heat up and cause food to go off. Although a lot of thought should go into the layout of your underfloor heating as once its fitted thats it, its part of the structure of your building. Especially the conventional wet system types.

Answered by Bog Standard Plumbing

26th March 2019

Bog Standard Plumbing answered the question "Can furniture be placed on top of underfloor heating?"

Yes light furniture can be placed on under floor heating, how ever we wouldn't install the under floor heating system below a kitchen, bath etc or permeant objects as this wouldn't be efficient and could also create problems like hot spots which could damage the system or floor surface. A good designed system will work well but should take considerations into account for fixture and fittings.

Answered by Electrical Innovations (Derby) Ltd

21st March 2019

Electrical Innovations (Derby) Ltd answered the question "Can furniture be placed on top of underfloor heating?"

Its fine to place furniture over a heated floor, but any fixed items such as kitchen units, baths and toilets will need to have the underfloor heating fitted around them. Hot spots can form which will in turn damage the floor if there is insufficient air circulation. Planning ahead will solve any issues.

Answered by LP Plumbing & Heating Ltd

5th March 2019

LP Plumbing & Heating Ltd answered the question "Can furniture be placed on top of underfloor heating?"

Yes it is fine to put furniture over UFH as unless you plan on never changing your furniture it would be impractical to design your system around where your furniture goes. However if you are installing a kitchen then it is best that the UFH doesn't go under appliances or units as it's wasted heat, the heat could also affect how some appliances work such as fridges, freezers and wine coolers. A bathroom would be another place I would design it around the fixtures. Should you need a system designed and Installed please get in touch and we will be happy to help.

Answered by Constructing Spaces Limited

28th February 2019

Constructing Spaces Limited answered the question "Can furniture be placed on top of underfloor heating?"

Yes furniture can be placed over areas with underfloor heating. However if it is furniture that is large and most likely to always be in the same place, it is a good idea to include it so this area is avoided in your design. The shorter the length of pipe for the underfloor heating the more effective the heat transfer is. As it will have cooled down less on its return.

Answered by A J Marsden Ltd

27th February 2019

A J Marsden Ltd answered the question "Can furniture be placed on top of underfloor heating?"

Yes. Furniture can be placed over underfloor heating as the heating. Underfloor gives a comfortable temperature as everything warms up evenly. Where radiators warm the room from a set location (where the radiator is) underfloor warms the full floor evenly. You wont really notice furniture "warming up" but if you put your hand under a sofa for example you will feel it's slightly warmer

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