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Warning: You're currently on an iOS device, click the App Store button to be sent directly to the app.


Install Brett. Get Rewarded.

Collect points every time you install Brett Paving products and get rewarded. Joining is free and easy, the only question is what will you spend your points on?

Brett Rewards is powered by Expert Trades.





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(Note: This must be a mobile number to sign up, but don’t worry we can change this to a landline later if you prefer).

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All members of Brett Rewards must have valid public liability insurance. Please upload it here.

You can upload the file that your insurers sent across, or take a picture and send it across. As long as we can see who you’re insured by, your renewal date and how much you’re covered for, that’s perfect.

If you haven’t got it to hand, don’t worry we’ll grab It from you later.

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